In addition to providing physiotherapy services, we offer a range of targeted relaxation treatments, including:




  1. 針對性強:專門為運動愛好者設計,解決運動後的各種不適。
  2. 全面康復:不僅緩解症狀,還致力於恢復身體功能和提高運動表現。
  3. 長期效益:通過改善姿勢和運動習慣,減少未來受傷風險。
  4. 應對累積性傷害:處理長期運動帶來的慢性問題,如關節勞損和肌肉緊張。
  5. 提高運動表現:通過改善身體機能,幫助運動者達到更好的表現。
  6. 預防嚴重傷害:及時處理小問題,避免演變成更嚴重的傷害。


Shoulder and Neck Relaxation Treatment

Primarily designed to alleviate pressure and pain in the shoulder and neck area, relieving muscle tension and fatigue.

Suitable for individuals who frequently use computers and phones, experience neck strain or fatigue.

Treatment duration: Approximately 60 minutes. Recommended frequency: 2-3 times per week.

Lower Back Relief Treatment

Aims to alleviate pressure and pain in the lower back, relaxing muscle tension and fatigue.

Ideal for individuals who have sedentary jobs or experience lower back strain or fatigue.

Treatment duration: Approximately 60 minutes. Recommended frequency: 2-3 times per week.

Hip Fascia Relaxation Treatment

Focused on relieving pressure and pain in the hip area, easing muscle tension and fatigue.

Suitable for individuals with sedentary lifestyles, frequent leg crossing, or those engaged in regular fitness activities experiencing tightness in the hip area.

Treatment duration: 60 minutes. Recommended frequency: 2-3 times per week.

Lower Limb De-swelling and Relaxation Therapy

Mainly aims to relieve lower limb fatigue and reduce swelling.

Suitable for individuals who spend prolonged periods sitting or standing, experience calf swelling, or have sore and weak lower limbs after exercise.

Treatment duration: 60 minutes. Recommended frequency: 2-3 times per week.

  • 為什麼選擇 Aura Reform+?

    If you have any discomfort or physical issues, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp at any time.


地址: 香港銅鑼灣敬誠街9號Health Aura 6樓全層


電話: +852 9482 1101